After having a melanoma remover from my arm 3 years ago. I was very concerned about my skin. I had a small spot on my chest that I was concerned about so I had the Dr. biopsy it even though he said it was nothing. It came back a squamous cell cancer. As the years went by I would ask if any more needed to be removed because it would always get red and itchy around the scar, which was about the size of a pencil eraser. He assured me it was fine. I decided to try the Black salve because I had heard that nothing would happen unless there is a cancer present. The pictures show what happened and I am glad to have what ever was there out of my body. I started the treatment on 1-21-08, today is 2-28 08 so you can see how long it took. It is still a bit painful but, I'm waiting to see what it does before applying more salve if needed. Hope this helps someone.
- J, Peoria IL
Effective topical ointments to treat skin cancers have occasionally become available in Australia (Curaderm was one) but they invariably get squashed in short time by the medical cartel here. Thankfully your persistence in developing and providing effective solutions from beyond their monopolistic reach gives us another option for survival. Keep doing what you do!
This is the best thing I've ever seen. I wasted a lot of money and time on a similar items and was very please with the ease of use with your products. I'm telling all of my friend about your great website. This is truly incredible. Your help system is great!!! I'm learning as I go and I can tell you now, you have the best products and website over everyone else.
- P K ****
- "B"
My father, who has just recently retired from farming, is a regular at the skin specialist to have skin cancers removed. He had a nasty sore on his left thumb which would not heal. He had this sore for approximately 4-5 months and found that it had actually gotten worse and was extremely painful to touch. He had tried a range of antiseptic creams and it became evident that this was not a typical cut, abrasion or sore (it appeared the same as other skin cancers he had removed). I suggested that he try the Black Salve on the sore.
To his surprise, within 24 hours the sore had developed a significant pus formation. Within 10 days the sore had completely healed with no sign of pain. I have also used the salve myself on a suspect skin abnormality and achieved the complete removal of the blemish following the exact pattern that is indicated [on your site].
This product clearly works, and I intend using it on a range of other suspect skin abnormalities.
The truth about cancer treatment will one day prevail!
Case #072402: Black Salve - CanSupport / Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
History: My husband was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage IV, and it had turned into CLL, August of 2001. Early in the year (2002), he had melanoma surgery, therefore, they elected not to treat him with chemo or radiation ...
We got a GREAT report from my husband's "pet scan," July 18, 2002. No (malignant) lymphocytes are showing in his lymphatic system. The doctor's nurse called and said it was good news and he was responding well to treatment. I said, "He hasn't had (any conventional) treatment; we are treating him with alternative medicine." She asked what kind. I told her and she said, "I guess the Doctor will want to talk with you about this."
We were told of your products, and (my husband) has been taking them along with flaxseed oil and changing his diet, since January, 2002.
We felt this is too good to be true!!! Still in shock!!!
I have been a customer of yours since January of 2002. I first used the Cancema Black Topical Salve on a melanoma on my back on Jan. 21 and a second application on Jan. 22.
On Feb. 4th the cancer came out and has healed up leaving only a scar. That cancer was protruding & oozing out of my back for over two years! I refused surgery and radiation. I thank God that I found your company after praying for help for the last two years. (During that time I also used the Cancema Tonic III for one month.)
I also have been aware of my prostate problems, and started taking the Prostate CanSupport & Cancema Tonic 111 with the HRX included on June 7, 2002. I am feeling so much better. I still get up a couple times a night to urinate. But before I started on the products I was up every hour during the night and I could not travel in a car only a couple of miles with out stopping to use the bathroom.
I am 56 years old . . .
I want to thank you folks for your wonderful products. I tell anyone and every one who will listen.
God bless.
Case #062602: Black Salve & Undiagnosed Skin Cancer
I am writing to let you know how pleased I am with your product: Black Salve.
For years I have had what I consider to be some form of skin cancer on the upper portion of my left arm. It has never been officially "diagnosed" but I know that that is what it is. In the last year or so the spot began to flake and peel regularly, which caused me great concern. I began to research alternative therapies, as I believe conventional treatments for skin cancer are less than effective....even dangerous. I found Black Salve.....and decided to give it a try.
I applied it to the spot and within 10 hours the spot began to tingle and burn. It was not terribly painful, although the spot and surrounding area burned a bit, was tender, red and warm. i applied the salve once every 24 hours for three consecutive days.
I am now on Day 6.
During the first three days, the spot that I was concerned about began to turn white ... and ooze a little pus. But so did two other spots surronding the initial spot....which had not even been visible on the skin. All of the spots formed pus....and then scabbed over. Two of the scabs have already come off, leaving a "cavity." One of the scabs has not fallen off yet. It appears that all of the "cancer" has been removed in the areas where the scabs have fallen off.
Thank you for making this product available!
Hi there, My name is Mike Kitts, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Several weeks ago, I ordered the Black Salve black topical salve because of a developed basal cell. I followed your directions faithfully, and within 9 days, that damn thing fell off and was dead. I took the dead tumor back to UNMH for an analysis, and had them look at the crater. I am quickly healing because of alow vera gel. I need to ask you for a list of ingredients of the Black Salve, and thank you folks for your research and development, and your patience, for making this and having it work so effectively. Please keep in touch, and let me know what other wonderful things you folks are coming up with. Thanks ever so much...
- M K
How can I thank you for giving me my life back!
At the end of May, I was diagnosed with breast cancer by my doctor, after she read my ultrasound on a lump in my right breast. She did a pencil size biopsy in her office for the lab. The lab came back with "non-cancerous properties" --no cancer. She insisted on surgery on June 4th to remove the lump (size of a dime). Cancer is her field -- I think she knew I had cancer; but the lab messed up -- she could hardly tell me the lab that she works with daily made a big booboo. I told her I wanted a second opinion. I only have one body and I am very protective of it when it comes to a surgeon wanting to take a blade to it.
I believe wholeheartedly that I have many angels guiding me. On June 4th Debbie (friend of [Dr.] Ryn Revis) called me and told me about the Black Salve that Ryn had used on her cancer of a year ago. I told her the lab said I didn't have breast cancer. She said I had nothing to lose if I didn't have cancer, the salve wouldn't do anything. I went to her house and we put the Black Salve on the hole where my doctor took the biopsy. The next morning I called Debbie and told her I had a mark on my breast about the size of a dime and she said to put more Black Salve on the erupted area. Two days later I have a small insect-like bite on the left side of my neck. Debbie said to put Black Salve on it just because.
The next day I have a quarter size and a dime size sore on my breast and a quarter size and a dime size on my neck. I was frantic and called Debbie and she called Ryn. On June 11th Debbie and I saw Ryn and she verified that the "neck cancer" was probably the primary and breast cancer secondary. I had injured my neck (on that spot) about 15 years ago. I have been seeing specialist and chiropractors for several years for the left shoulder pain and the numbness in my left hand. My Western doctors would have probably NEVER found the neck cancer and had I had the surgery, I would be with no breast and possibly little or no lymph nodes. Ryn has me on the Black Salve Tonic for the next two months and my eschar's (many) are just about to fall off.
I hope you can make sense of my story -- I am still so excited about finding the neck cancer, that I sometimes can't focus on my writing.
I can't say I am glad about having cancer -- however, I do have an even stronger spiritual life and I wake up every morning happy. It should be noted that I have never been a morning person before my big "C".
I love you all at Alpha Omega and thanks to my spiritual guides (angels) for leading me to you.
Love to Everyone,
[P.S.] -- Forgot to tell you -- my left shoulder has no more pain and my left hand is no longer numb.
[Editor Comments: There are several points of interest in this testimonial submission. First, is the frequency of misdiagnosis. All good doctors are well-meaning; no one deliberately intends to misdiagnosis the particulars of aberrant cell growth; nonetheless, the stories of misdiagnosis, quite unintentional, run through our offices like cold running water. People need to realize that cancer "sets up shop" while asymptomatic --- it cannot be detected. And then when it does become detectable (chemically, through antigen tests; or physically (on account of morphology); etc.) it can still quite readily go undetected.
This is Black Salve's greatest contribution to the field of alternative medicine: it finds, detects, and kills aberrant cell growths which are quite happily building and growing while "under the radar" -- undetectable using the most modern diagnostic tools now available . . . .
A word about pain management is in order: unless you are under the care of CAM (complimentary and alternative medicine) physician; or a good naturopath, osteopath, chiropractor or other licensed health care professional, we do not advise the use of Black Salve in the treatment of breast cancer. Pattie's growth was small, so it apparently worked for her. But had her breast cancer been of a larger size, the use of Black Salve to remove it could have been excruciatingly painful. You can get good narcotic-grade analgesics (pain-killers) from a good physician -- a real "must" if you're going to tackle a sizeable growth.]
- P.J. Ontario, CA (USA)
This is the best thing I've ever seen. I wasted a lot of money and time on a similar items and was very please with the ease of use with your products. I'm telling all of my friend about your great website. This is truly incredible. Your help system is great!!! I'm learning as I go and I can tell you now, you have the best products and website over everyone else.Saturday 19 Jan 2002
" 2.15pm applied small amount of Black Salve to tongue growth. After half an hour nothing much happening, mild tingling, so applied more to cover whole growth. I kept the end of my tongue with the growth outside my mouth the whole time.
" 3.45pm started to burn a lot.
" 4.30pm surrounded by white. White spreading out towards back and to right half a cm. Slight swelling underneath. Fairly painful but tolerable.
" 5.30pm pain eased off a bit.
" 6.50pm pain increased for 10 mins and then eased off a bit again.
" 7.30pm pain increased a bit and stayed the same.
" 8.00pm drank water through a straw.
" 8.30pm drank Herbalife (nutritious drink) through a straw.
" 11.30pm called it a day. Put tongue back inside mouth. Black totally dried up, wouldn't come off so left it. Quite painful now that saliva was softening it up. As I am opposed to taking drugs of any kind,I handled the pain by receiving a Touch Assist from my husband (see and then applied Paneze Cream to nose and tongue (available from Success Health Clinic, 1 Riverview Rise, Wilson, Western Australia 6107). This enabled me to sleep.
" 12 - 6am slept 6 hours (amazing considering pain), then applied Paneze Cream again and slept a further 3 hours.Sunday 20 Jan 2002
" Got up 9am. Quite painful on tongue and around eyes and ears. Growth hard with white all around it. Received another Touch Assist and felt much better. Drank water and Herbalife during the day.
" 4.30pm managed to swallow bread soaked in soya milk, by leaving growth outside mouth. Hard to talk.Monday 21 Jan 2002
" Slept well but felt washed out. Took day off work. Painful to eat, but managed soup. Growth had reduced a bit and become very hard. Lots of saliva generated (healing!).Tuesday 22 Jan 2002
" Slept well. Lacking energy but went to work. Talking slightly difficult but OK. White surround came away in the afternoon. Some surround still there - about 1mm all around.Wednesday 23 Jan 2002
" More energy today. Growth slowly coming away and I could see hole underneath.Thursday 24 Jan 2002
Growth came out! It had taken 5 days from start to finish. Nice little hole left, which over time has healed over leaving virtually nothing to see.
Thank God for Black Salve. I had been dreading having the growth surgically removed, possibly leaving bad cells behind and had been hoping for some miracle cream such as Black Salve! I have also handled several suspicious spots on my skin and from the burning reaction they needed handling. I have now been going to a Naturopath/Homeopath to handle why I got these growths in the first place.
Thank you very much for your wonderful product. I hope you can use my success to inspire others with similar problems.
(AO Response: Please do ...
BTW ... I got a letter from a man who reported that his PSA went from 5.2 down to 2.2 using Black Salve..... Salve? ..... I asked how he applied it to his prostate! He told me that he used the Black Salve OVER his prostate on his abdomen and it penetrated the skin and went into his bloodstream. The next day his left testicle blew up the size of a tangerine. To both of us that indicated testicular cancer.
This action is going to be even more pronounced with the DMSO (USP) / emu oil formulation we are introducing next week. [Editor: This product was introduced just days ago]
By the end of the year people may not NEED to use the internal versions of Black Salve. We may make it ALL topical. (J.C.)
Referenced Prostate Cancer testimonial appears below...
I could not send you my testimonial off your web page , so here it is. I had a PSA report of 5.2 and refused to do the byop. I used BS [Black Salve Black Salve] in the prostrate area. I got a very heavy reaction in my left testicle. I waited 4 days then applied BS to the left and right side... It was very painful for about 4 hours but it did go after the cancer. I used the BS 3 more times in the area and went back for another PSA. It was back to 2.2.... I then tried the BS in the colon and got a heavy reaction. Some bleeding and lots of puss. This only lasted 2 days and after 6 days I did it again with very little reaction. I would like to hear your input ...
[Editor's Note: This is a "case in progress" and we do not mean to convey that there has been a complete remission in this instance. But the inventive nature of Black Salve use and the subsequent lab results in this case does provide useful application information to those of our end users and clinicians who prefer to take a topical approach to deeper cancer growths, avoiding the inherent limitations of systemic (orally delivered) vehicles.]
- "E.P." (Additional permissions not submitted)
Despite over 100 years of use, evidenced by medical patents at the U.S. Patent Office in the late 19th century, the actual mechanics of escharotics(salves) are still not fully understood. By examining the results of blood work, we know that when zinc chloride (in a liquid form at room temperature), while in the presence of certain herbal combinations at known concentration ranges, has strong cancer-killing properties. For some reason, the proper escharotic formula will kill cancer cells, while normal, healthy cells will only become mildly irritated. When applied to normal tissue, the properly-prepared escharotic is merely a "rubifacient." It will redden the skin slightly and perhaps even produce a small amount of edema -- but even that goes away after a couple of days.
Upon killing those cancer cells in which it has come into direct contact (and even beyond, because of its penetrating ability), a scab or "eschar" is formed. If analyzed, the eschar will be found to contain not only the dead cancer cells, but also some of the body's own antibodies, macrophages, red blood cells -- the same kind of cellular debris one will find in almost any healing scab formation.
The rest is clearly and quite graphically demonstrated in our picture testimonial on Black Salve: the eschar falls out in time, like any scab; a decavitation remains and heals over in a matter of a few days to several weeks; and what remains is healthy tissue. Gone is the cancer.
Most of our customers rely on NSAID's (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen. On larger cancers, we really prefer working with our customer in conjunction with his or her physician so that if more potent analgesics are needed, they will be readily available. About five years ago, we had one gentleman who had a tumor about four inches in diameter. When we asked him if he experienced any pain during treatment, he replied that on a scale of 1 to 10, it was an 18. Nonetheless, he was delighted with the outcome and his doctor reported that he was cancer-free by the end of the treatment. If your cancer growth exceeds one inch in diameter - or the location of the growth is in a particularly sensitive area, such as the breasts or ears, you should be sure to work with a physician who can provide the necessary pain killers, should you need them.
This is yet another area which was not originally foreseen when we started marketing Black Salve and its predecessors back in 1989. Our intent was to provide an effective remedy for skin cancer, not breast cancer. When users started experimenting and reported to us that Black Salve worked with breast cancers, we found that a large percentage also reported a painful response. Since about 1994, we have been warning users to observe this caution when contemplating a breast cancer application. You will note we do not make a claim or a recommendation for specific Black Salve use with breast cancer on this site.
Our advice is to start at the edge and make sure you do not apply more than a square centimeter. As usual, apply so that the coating is somewhat thick and definitely opaque. A warning in advance: if you do not have good analgesics on you, this thing could hurt. What Black Salve does, in a matter of speaking, is initiate a process where the body is conducting its own surgery. Make no mistake about it: Black Salve is taking that thing out of there. But pain management can be a real consideration when you have larger growths.
So one very small application .... wait .... see how you feel .... when the discomfort subsides in a day or so .... apply again .... repeat. In this way you are extending over time and in small incremental amounts, any pulling or stinging sensations, so that the entire process is readily manageable.
Better than 98%, pure and simple. And most of the cases that report no success turn out to be cases of misdiagnosis.
About six and a half years ago I was planning a trip to Florida and decided, instead of getting burned down there, I would try a tanning bed to prepare my skin for the powerful rays closer to the equator. If any one tells you that these sun beds are safe they are misleading you! I was in for 10 minutes, that's all it took to cause the damage. I will say this, I did have a pre-existing condition called tinea-versicolor. The Dermatologic Disease Database defines it as "Tinea versicolor is caused by a yeast type of skin fungus, which is present on normal skin. If the skin is oily enough, warm enough and moist enough, it starts to grow into small "colonies" on the surface of the skin." Earlier work by the late Dr. Royal Rife showed that cancer is a virus that, when in the right medium/conditions, can mutate into a bacteria or fungus and back to a virus, and that a bacteria and fungus can also mutate into the others and back.
So, my belief is that the radiation from the rays of the tanning bed hit the tinea versicolor (fungus) and mutated it into a new pathogen that started destroying my skin and growing into a mass, not just on the surface, but well below also. On 4/26/05 I put an herbal preparation of Black Salve on, what was at the time a mass about the size of a half dollar. Over the years it looked like cauliflower on the surface of the skin which would bleed quite a bit so I wore band-aids over it for years. Effective Black Salve is next to impossible to find in the US but you can find it if you look hard enough. I felt tingling and then a burning sensation almost immediately after the application. Some people have felt the need to take aspirin or pain killers to help maintain the pain, I believe it will depend upon each individual case, but better to be prepared by having some on hand if the pain gets to be too much. That night the area around the spot swelled all around and out from it until the perimeter of swelling was about the size of a mans fist. The next morning I woke up and took a shower and the excess Black Salve washed off and left behind an indentation of the skin by about 3 millimeters which was covered by a black scab or eschar.
I applied another coating of Black Salve the second night just to make sure, and the pain got even worse than the night before, which led me to believe that the first application may not have been enough. I never did put on a third application as was suggested to me by a friend who has dealt with many cases. Here you can see what the eschar looks like as it begins to pull away from the healthy skin. That is a quarter next to it in the picture
A couple of days before the first application I began taking whole food supplements which helped my immune system greatly! Spanish Black Radish 2 tablets per meal, increasing to 7 tablets per meal after the first application of Black Salve and for the entire month following. The Spanish Black Radish helped dramatically reduce the weeping of pus and debris from the wound, it is an awesome product when taken correctly! Many people have had to change their bandages 4 or more times a day because there is so much leakage of pus, but with the Spanish Black Radish, all the pus was eliminated internally through the lymphatic system and I actually left the same bandage on all day, only changing it the following mornings after getting out of the shower. Here you can see what the wound looked like after the eschar fell out on day six from the first application.
The crater it left behind was pretty deep, but the second the eschar fell out the pain was completely gone! In the next two pictures below you see what the growth looked like from its underside. Pretty nasty! The pic next to it shows how deep it was. That is a quarter laying flat next to it, so as you can see, in certain parts of the growth it was the thickness of 5-6 quarters if they were stacked on top of each other!
Now comes the easy part, healing! I used/use two specific formulas to assist my healing over the area with new tissue. The special body wash and also organic coconut oil from . Some areas take as long as a year to completely heal. I do not think mine will take that long because of the aid of these 2 products but I will take them until I am satisfied with the look of the new skin. Below are the last two pictures, one at 2 weeks after the eschar fell out and the second at two months after the eschar fell out. As you can see, the wound is completely healed over and some scar tissue remains, which I will continue to take the special body wash and also organic coconut oil from for until I feel it is totally finished healing.
- 36 Year Old Male (Name withheld by request)
Your product is the greatest and it works!!! I had gone to my dermatologist to have a skin cancer frozen twice on the top of my right hand. Now that the skin cancer had come back, my only next choice was to cut it out, as they will only freeze it twice. I was given your product as a birthday gift from a friend that had used it on a cluster of three skin cancers on her nose where her glasses rested on her nose. When I saw what it had done for her nose, she gave me a present of your product for my hand. I am amazed how quickly it worked and it is totally gone. If anyone out there has any doubts, you can forget really works!!!! I will never be without this in my medicine chest. Also my wife had purchased your Comfrey Cream, as we live in Arizona and have cracked heels terribly, she told me it has worked the first time she put it on. Also we purchased the Veterinary Black Salve for our two dogs. Will let you know how that works as we just got our order in today. I have a feeling it will work as great as your other products. We are a very satisfied and happy customers and will be trying more of your other products in the future. You have a customer for life, thanks so much for your great product and help!!!
- J. T. Arizona
God Bless.
- W. C. - Hollywood, CA